Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Third Charles River Connectivity meeting

Just a reminder- meeting tonight, Tuesday the 18th at the Morse School in Cambridge,  6:30 to 8:30!  Come by and convey your connectivity concerns to the committee.

 One I'd like to add after riding home from the Tweed ride on Sunday-  why on earth is the sidewalk just east of the BU bridge on the Cambridge side so darn narrow?  The merging lane is only one lane wide, but it's easily 16' wide,  while pedestrians and bikes are crammed into a narrow 4' with a railing on one side and a 1' dropoff curb on the other!


  1. I thought that there was a goose or swan hatching area in that vicinity? Or at least I seem to recall discussion and concern around disrupting goose hatching when planning the construction on the Cambridge side rotary.

  2. There's an, um,............interesting.......guy whose raison d'etre is protecting the feral white geese that live down the hill there. He is often at Charles river meetings and is generally against expanding paths. I think he's a perennial write in candidate for mayor as well. He will almost certainly be at the meeting tonight. I won't give him attention by linking to his site, but I'm sure you can find it if you want.

    In any case I'm not suggesting that the encroach on goose habitat, but rather car habitat, by taking some of the width of the merging lane and convert it into path.

  3. Hello cycler,
    Do you know where one can find minutes of these meetings? I was hoping to attend one but none of them worked for my schedule. I really appreciated your write-up of the first meeting. Thanks!

  4. cg, The presentation slides are available here:

    and more information can be found by poking around here:
