Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Infectious Holiday Cheer (Bike Meetup)

My co-worker P.  was inspired by Gilbert's basket lights to do his own bicycle holiday decorations:

His are much more cool and modern than my goofy lights- they suit his nicely updated city bike.

Holiday Cheer!
In the Spirit of holiday cheer, please join me, Somervillain from Boston Retro Wheelmen,  and hopefully Charlotte from Chic Cyclists  at the Somerville Illuminations Holiday Tour.  Tour leaves City hall at 7:15 sharp.  Afterwards, please join us for a warming beverage and bike chatting, almost certainly at Bloc 11 coffeeshop in nearby Union Sq.  Bicycle decoration is fabulous but not required.


  1. Oh no! Now I have to come! :)
    It does look like I'll be able to make it. Hurray for holiday biking!

  2. Hurray indeed! I'll get to meet more local bike bloggers/enthusiasts! I'll be there and looking forward to a hot cuppa something afterward!

  3. I won't be able to make it. :( Sounds like a fun ride, though.

    BTW- I emailed you about returning the Brooks saddle. Thanks again for letting me borrow it. : )

  4. I'd love to join y'all, but will be heading out West to see family for the holidays. Happy Holidays to all of you and see you again in the New Year!

  5. Thanks to Charlotte, we double checked and found out that Bloc 11 won't be open past 7pm on Saturday... so the new (tentative?) plan is to meet at 1369 in Inman Sq...

  6. Nice blog!
    I first laid eyes on Gilbert at Lovely Bicycle! the other day. Now that's a bike with personality. Sorry I couldn't make it to the Illuminations Tour. My only excuse is that I live in Montana.

  7. Cool! I want Christmas lights on my bike. :)
