Friday, November 18, 2011

More Casey overpass information

Even if you're not directly impacted, you  should really check out the great article on the subject at the Boston Cyclist's Union "Union Rider"
I didn't realize that the facilities for bikes and pedestrians in the "bridge" option were going to be really bad, but that just increases my support of the "at grade" option.

For me the #1 reason to do an "at grade" solution, is that no one wants to hang out around the base of a highway bridge,  and by taking it away it gives the neighborhood a much better feel- makes it a place that people want to hang out, shop, sit, walk and live.


  1. Big crowd tonight, small auditorium; standing room only. Lots of cyclists and passionate speaking on both sides of the debate. I pushed for cyclist accommodation for left turns in the at-grade solution - bike boxes or two-step bike boxes. I think the most common thoughts for the bridge were either hoping that somehow a brilliantly designed destination bridge would somehow emerge or from fear of putting the additional traffic at grade. Hopefully, calmer minds will prevail at the DOT.

  2. Mark, glad you could go, and thanks for the update. I sent an email, and even got a response from if anyone wants to comment.
