I try to post original content, mostly about my biking life, but I thought this video, recently posted on
Boston Biker, was so awesome, that I had to pass it along,
Basically the guy runs straight into any obstruction in the bike lane: cab, trash can, moving truck, even police car. I hope he didn't get seriously hurt, because he took some serious spills.
It's a classic reducto ad absurdium argument- if bikers were required to stay in the bike lane in all circumstances, they would suffer the pratfalls that he does. Nicely filmed, and the Vivaldi in the background is a great counterpoint to all the mayhem. He's got a great point, that the cops should be ticketing obstructions of the bike lane, not the riders. Notably, in NYC, as in Boston, it is perfectly legal to ride outside of the bike lane.
And yes, I went to the Western Ave meeting. It was mostly a yawn, with a couple of neighborhood residents ranting about long term neighborhood grievances (rats and trash pickup), and John Allen ranting about how cycletracks are Satan Spawn and how dare we encourage kids and newbies to ride. (I kid you not, he said that it was better not to encourage new cyclists than to have them ride on this deathtrap) Classic culture of fear. He also wanted to discuss how adding planting beds and narrowing the road from a superspeedway to a two lane arterial was making it "ugly" Whatever, dude.
They've made some improvements, including bike boxes for Copenhagen left turns, a leading bike interval (similar to a Pedestrian leading interval, but longer) so that bikes get a head start on cars, and some structural changes to bring bikes out from behind the parked cars at intersections to improve left turning and visibility.
At this point, it's going to happen. And yes, I get that you have to be careful at intersections. To my mind, this is true whether you're in the street or on a path. You just get to relax between the intersections without the added danger of being doored midblock. If you feel the need to move so fast that you can't deal with the occasional small child, errant pedestrian or slower biker, feel free to ride in the car lanes. My feeling (borne out by observations in Barcelona and Amsterdam) is that if you have a steady stream of bikes, and clearly marked lanes, the pedestrians learn PDQ to stay out of the bike lane, and the width is double the Charles River MUP. Even if there's an obstruction of the path (trash barrel) I'd rather veer around it onto sidewalk or buffer than to have to swerve into traffic. And it's awfully hard to double park in it!
There is still the legitimate issue of a safe bike route from the river back into Central. And I think that problem still needs a solution. However, I fail to see why we should have no infrastructure just because it doesn't meet some perfect platonic ideal.
In the hour of "open house"I had a great chance to chat with one of the city of Cambridge's project managers, who tipped me off about all kinds of great changes coming to the Kendall/ East Cambridge area. Lots of reversal of the 80's suburbanism that was imposed in the gentrification. I want a chance to take a look at the plans online, but sounds like some great improvements coming.